Saturday, September 13, 2008



So that’s how it works, you get phucked up, you get phucked on, then you get phucked up even more, then on the verge of blowing up, bursting into a green monster…. You then take a deep breath, and another one, and on the third you say WOO-SAAH, you’ll actually feel better. Through this may not work for everybody, but it sure worked for me right now.


During stressful situations we rarely stop to think about what is happening within our bodies. Indeed, the pressures of the moment keep our minds occupied on almost everything but our physiological functions. Consequently those functions often become irregular, leaving us in an unhealthy state of being. When we are in this state we have fewer chances to succeed in whatever we try to accomplish.

Among the many physiological functions adversely affected by stress is our breathing. Even when stress is minimal few people retain a habit of natural, full breathing which is required for maintaining a good mental and physical state. Proper breathing is essential for sustaining life and cleansing inner body systems. By learning proper breathing techniques stressful situations may be handled better and overall mental and physical health will be improved.


Oxygen plays a vital role in the circulatory and respiratory systems. As we breathe, oxygen that is inhaled purifies our blood by removing poisonous waste products circulating throughout our blood systems. Irregular breathing will hamper this purification process and cause waste products to remain in circulation. Digestion will then become irregular, leaving tissues and organs undernourished. Improper oxygen consumption will thus ultimately lead to fatigue and heightened anxiety states. The irregular breathing elicited during stressful situations not only make them hard to cope with but also contribute to a general deterioration of health. By the careful control of our breathing pattern, we may not only rejuvenate our systems but counter the unhealthy effects of stress.


Breathing methods are useful to settle the body and mind and induce a heightened sense of awareness. Breathing exercises have been practiced for thousands of years in the East. The West began studying the effectiveness and importance of them several years ago. By this time, sufficient research has taken place in the West to verify the usefulness of these techniques.

The following breathing methods can be helpful for reducing anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, muscular tension and stress.


While breathing is a function most people take for granted, rarely is it practiced in a proper fashion. Before beginning any technique it is essential that you learn how to breath properly and fully:

Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor with your legs straight and slightly apart, your toes pointed comfortably outwards, arms at your sides not touching your body, your palms up, and your eyes closed. This is called a "relaxed body" position. Take time to relax your body and breathe freely.

It is best to breathe through your nose, as the tiny hairs and mucous membranes filter out dust and toxins from the inhaled air. Keep your mouth closed as you breathe.

As you breathe, your chest and abdomen should move together. If only the chest seems to rise and fall, your breathing is shallow and you are not making good use of the lower part of your lungs. As you inhale you should feel your abdomen rising; it is as if your stomach is filling with air. As you exhale, the abdomen comes back in, like a balloon releasing all of its air. This inhale and exhale process should continue comfortably and smoothly. The chest and abdomen should rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale. The chest should move only slightly.


Although this exercise can be practiced in a variety of poses, the following is recommended for beginners:

Lie down on a blanket or rug on the floor. Bend your knees and move your feet about eight inches apart, with your toes turned outward slightly. Make sure your spine is straight.

Place one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose into your abdomen to push up your hand as much as feels comfortable. Your chest should move only a little and only with your abdomen.

Continue step three until it becomes rhythmic and comfortable. Now smile slightly, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, making a quiet, breezy sound as you gently blow out. Your mouth, tongue and jaw will be relaxed. Take long, slow, deep breaths raising and lowering your abdomen. Hear the sound and feel the texture of breathing as you become more and more relaxed.

When you first begin this technique, do it for five minutes. When you become more comfortable with it, you may extend it up to 20 minutes.

Upon ending a session, stay still for a few minutes and try to keep the entire body relaxed.

The purpose of this technique is to develop a good, relaxing breathing method. It may be practiced anytime, especially during stressful situations.


Sighing and yawning during the day are signs that you are not getting enough oxygen. A sigh releases a bit of tension and can be practiced at will as a means of relaxing.

Sit or stand up straight.

Sigh deeply, letting out a sound of deep relief as the air rushes out of your lungs.

Let new air come in naturally.

Repeat this procedure eight to twelve times whenever you feel the need for it, and experience the feeling of relaxation.


This exercise will stimulate your breathing, circulation and nervous system.

Stand up straight, hands at your sides.

Inhale and hold a complete natural breath as described above.

Raise your arms out in front of you, keeping them up and relaxed.

Gradually bring your hands to your shoulders. As you do, slowly contract your hands into fists so that when they reach your shoulders they are clenched as tight as possible.

Keep the fists tense as you push your arms out straight again very slowly.

Pull your arms back to your shoulders and straighten them out, fists tense, as fast as you can, several times.


This exercise combines the relaxing benefits of deep, relaxed breathing with the curative value of positive auto-suggestions.

Lie down on a rug or blanket on the floor in a "relaxed body" pose.

Place your hands gently on your solar plexus (that point where your ribs start to separate above your abdomen) and practice deep, relaxed breathing for a few minutes.

Imagine that, with each incoming breath of air, energy is rushing into your lungs and being immediately stored in your solar plexus. Imagine that as you exhale, this energy is flowing out to all parts of your body. Form a mental picture of this energizing process.

Continue on a daily basis for at least five to ten minutes a day.


The following exercise requires a partner and is effective in relaxing and energizing you.

Lie on your back. Have your partner put one hand on your abdomen and one hand on your chest.

Inhale and exhale as in deep, relaxed breathing, but each inhale is taken in two stages abdomen, then chest. Imagine that you are breathing into your partner's hand as you fill your belly with air. When your abdomen feels full, continue breathing into your chest. Watch your partner's hands as it rises.

Exhale fully through the chest and belly simultaneously.

Repeat. It is important to keep a rhythmic rolling effect between abdomen and chest. Breathe at your natural pace, however.

Any of the above techniques can and should be practiced everyday. Being a natural preventive measure for stress, there are very few side effects. It will take some time before you observe any profound changes within your body and mind taking place, but practice diligently and patiently. You will eventually realize that you have more energy and are much more relaxed.



It all started like a regular day but then I dreamt about my niece being born and growing up, what a dream eh, we all were anticipating her “coming-out” as all were excited to become, uncle’s grandma, grandpa and all. Why trapped? Well again, for me going to the office is an everyday adventure where you cannot have the same experience twice, puzzling how traffic works in the Philippines right?

I walk up on the right side of the bed with full throttled sleep and a nice hot goto to prep up the day, had some chat with the family and worked my way out to the bathroom then dressed up for the ride to the office. Imagine I had to do all that to go for a 16 kilometer ride to office and back home. It was like motocross mayhem out there, I had to fight time then other drivers that are not fighting time and just when I thought I made it right… I got trapped.

In the middle of an 8-lane highway, maybe 2 kilometers from my exit, it rained so hard I cannot even see the tail light of the car right in front of me. I cannot even park somewhere to wear my poncho and everything was so wet it’s like I jumped to a swimming pool. But then, I had to wait for my exit and right on my exit to the access road to the office, guess what, it stopped raining. All day it was great, but in that 3-4 minutes of rain, I wished I obeyed my mom when she said, “it was gonna opur anyway, why not wear your poncho before you go out and ride”. Then I said, “nehhh”.

The brighter side, I got my side-line payment and got some extra for me at least, ill have to get my fiancé a Nike Free Mary Jane for my b-day gift, I mean her b-day gift.

So yeah, trapped, wearing wet pants wet underpants and I will wait for at least 9.5 hours to get it changed…

Product Review: Bell Balistic and Bell

Product Review: Bell Balistic and Bell

Bell Drop - Whether you're into pointing that front wheel down hill or more likely to push it against a starting gate, the new Bell Drop is what you're going to want on your head. BMX, freeride, slalom, four-cross, or downhill Ñ this lid was made to do it all. The hand-laminated Drop was designed from the ground up by the same team that created Bell's now legendary Moto-8 motocross helmet, so you know it's gonna rip. Certification to both the CPSC bicycle standard and the new ASTM downhill standard is a nice plus as well.

Bell Bellistic - Made of a tough, multi-layered fiberglass shell with EPS foam liner, the Bellistic features full-face coverage, an adjustable retention harness, adjustable visor and large eye port to accommodate goggles, and 15 built-in vents.

For more information and reviews about the Bellistic and the Drop please click on the MTBR Bellistic and MTBR Drop link.



A fresh start for my 24th year as a human being and get to join a team of top-notch technical support with world-class caliber when it comes to customer service.

Perimeter eSecurity is the only provider of complete security on demand, Perimeter makes security easily available and affordable for all businesses. Perimeter’s on demand security services protect thousands of computer networks nationwide, offering more than 50 different technologies on a subscription basis. With the proliferation of security threats and technologies, clients benefit from a single-source provider that offers all services through one pre-integrated platform and web portal.
Perimeter’s on demand services, which are offered both on a Network (in-the-cloud) and CPE basis, are continuously expanded, enhanced and upgraded for current and future regulatory compliance. With seven geographically distributed technical offices and three redundant data centers, Perimeter's complete, on demand and affordable security services are always available and have been validated by multiple independent third parties.

Headquartered in Milford, CT, with seven geographically distributed technical operations centers and three redundant datacenters, Perimeter's secure network services are validated by TruSecure and guaranteed for current and future regulatory compliance.

With mentors Justin Riek, Ken Brayton and all of the team members, I think I found another home in the office.